Eva Paunova, GERB/EPP: EU Member States must recognize digital technologies as the best route to growth and development

“Innovation and technology have become part of our thinking, as they offer the most liable approach to European development”, said Eva Paunova during the innovation roundtable “Disrupt Europe – Actions and Roadmap” she co-hosted jointly with EYIF and Euromentors. The event took place on 18th of November, Tuesday, and focused on the Digital Agenda, the development of entrepreneurship and the creation of an innovation eco-system in Europe.

During the debate, representatives of EU institutions, international organizations and businesses discussed how a “disruptive” development can be achieved in Europe through entrepreneurship and innovations. According to Eva Paunova, our continent cannot simultaneously compete globally and maintain its social model without the help of new technologies. “It is important to realize that the digital revolution is the one that will move our continent forward. Only by thinking digital counties like Bulgaria, for instance, will be able to catch up with their Western partners.”

Innovation is closely related to entrepreneurship, whose support is other key objective of the European institutions during the new mandate. With this fact in mind, the Bulgarian MEP noted that the EU plays mainly a supportive role for the business: “It is tempting to think that an EU success only occurs when a law is passed or a cheque is written. But for most start-ups the best thing the EU can do is create a favorable environment and provide freedom for their development.”

Eva Paunova was one of the co-hosts of the event, jointly with the European Forum for Young Innovators EYIF, Association for Youth Entrepreneurs “Euromentors”, MEPs Mircea Diaconu and Renato Soru. The roundtable was held in the context of the initiative “Disrupt Europe 2015”, which aims to encourage a debate about new ways of European development via digital technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Photos: Kristina Jasaityte